
Guild & Spence humbly offer the latest in electrical technology to schools across the Bay of Plenty, along with our 24/7 support.


Guild & Spence is a Powerco approved contractor. We partner with Powerco because we share the same respect for safety and procedures in a high-risk electrical environment.

Retirement Villages

We are honoured to work with the local aged care providers in the Bay of Plenty, and how we can provide 24/7 support.


Medical facilities rely on Guild & Spence to provide electrical confidence and compliance in a delicate medical environment. We are committed 24/7 to supporting our medical practitioners.


We have great relationships with Tauranga City Council and Western Bay of Plenty District Council, providing both with 24/7 support.


Bay of Plenty hospitality providers rely on Guild & Spence for our 24/7 after hours service, and our extensive partnerships with local suppliers that help businesses get back up and running.


We’ve supported the agriculture sector for 40 years, sharing our valued electrical experience and knowledge for the benefit of local growers and farmers.